Criminal Justice and
Public Safety Resources

CAAJE Authors

P.J. Ortmeier (The Ethical Leadership Institute)

The institute's mission is to promote the study of the concepts and best practices associated with ethics and leadership. The focus is on ethical leadership competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities-KSAs) that can be learned (developed) rather than inborn qualities (traits). Normally, qualities are already part of who a person is, and they are based on the values learned and a moral orientation acquired during one's formative years.

Lisa Storm

An undergraduate multi-state textbook for criminal justice, paralegal, pre-law, and administration of justice courses in Criminal Law. The textbook is interactive, and offers hundreds of links, embedded videos, charts, tables, diagrams, ethical scenarios, review questions and their answers, and illustrations to target various learning styles.

Rick Michelson

Rick has 30 years of law enforcement experience which includes holding rank as a Sergeant with the San Diego Police Department, the University of California police in San Diego, a Lieutenant with California Polytechnic University, Pomona police, and as "Interim" Chief with Grossmont Community College’s police. He is currently a Reserve Lieutenant with the San Diego County Sheriff's Department in their Backgrounds Unit. He holds a Masters Degree in Public Administration, and writes articles, texts, workbooks, study-guides, and web-based content (including interactive crime scene simulations) for McGraw-Hill, Thomson/Wadsworth and Law-Tech Publishers.